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Перевод Примеры
Не менЯй лошадей, когда иерееекаешь поток // Не менЯй своИх планов в тот момент, когда преодолеваешь трудности : Это может иметь трагИческие последствия.

Proteus. I have lost my health, and almost lost my reason, trying to keep this Cabinet together in the face of the cunningest enemy popular government has ever had to face. I have had enough of it. (Sitting down again) 1 resign. Crassus. But not at such а moment as this. Dont let us swop horses when crossing а stream. (В. Shaw)

Cordell S. Hull sat behind the wide desk. His familiar features ... all seemed larger than life because they were an everyday's image. The newspapers and the motion picture newspapers were rare1y without photographs of him. Even the more inclusive election posters-ponderous1y asking, Do you want to change horses in the middle of tЬе stream?-had bls reassuring intelligent face prominently displayed beneath Roosevelt's. (Ludlum)